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Fun and very cute pixel graphics!


we should be allowed to whip the warriors I think


Fun game!

The wizards suck though.


I love this. I always gave the characters time to mourn before ringing the bell.

If you expand on this, I hope you add more game significance to the friendships and bonds they form (or rivalries they have). I like the idea that the adventurers have their own minds and motivations and will insist on forming parties with their friends even if it's not the best idea to go dungeon-diving with a party of mages and no tanks.

(1 edit) (+3)

Very nice game, enjoyable but a bit unfinished. These are some things i think  would improve it:

1.  A bar telling you how much money you have

2. When you click on a party (prepared to enter the dungeon) you get a screen showing you who is in that group and the options to kick them out etc.

3. Hopefully more buildings and more possibilites in upgrading.

4. Maybe a training hall? Somewhere where you can upgrade specific stats of different characters.

5. More biomes with new enemies to fight.

These are a few features i think might improve the experience, i can´t think of any more right now but just generally make the game a bit more tactical and less short (it took me ten  minutes to beat). Great game that could be extraordinary!


Simple, yet fun.

As a suggestion, it would be neat if the game had a proper Save function, that way I could continue where I left off.


I'd love to check this out, but I don't have Windows, and "run in browser" crashes Firefox


love it but maybe some more village buildin


I love roster management games, my favs being XCOM and Darkest Dungeon 1, but this ranks up there, for the short duration it lasts. Wonderful distillation of that flow of building up a healthy roster that can tackle any problem in a very fast and minimal package. Closest game mechanically is Tiny folks, which I also quite liked, but to automate the battles is genius. And having 3 battles to watch at once is really fun, and let's you experiment more quickly with different combinations of hero types.

If you make more of this, I'd like to see more variation in monsters or zone effects that force you to make more interesting roster decisions. Healing feels crucial and therefore makes tanking really powerful as well. Or a stress/injury mechanic to prevent reliance on your best heroes. I want to have meaningful reasons to try out many different combos of units.

I like the element of having limited control over the adventurers' parties. It feels thematic, like they're a rowdy bunch that will only listen so well to an old man. You could play into that with dialogue. I'd like more ways to make choices that indirectly influence the heroes, maybe through taxes or ordinances.


Was just thinking, some kind of incentive to clear dungeons in as few days as possible. Maybe time limited quests? Leaderboards could work.


I love it!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

my goal in this game after beating it was get a full roster of only S class hero's (and 1000 gold) and it was SO fun doing great game


pretty good, but game managed to lock itself in loop. A healer was left with single succubus and was able to easily out heal the damage, but didn't flee because they wanted to avenge another character...

same I got soft locked and had to reset the game lol

(1 edit) (+2)

Pretty neat game, especially for a short jam! I really liked the flow of the game, trying to match my heroes and figuring which parties work best.

I would have liked to have more choices of upgrades in the village, and maybe setting the tax level myself (this could have an impact on how many / what qualities of heroes will come to your places).

The graphics and musics are charming, a casual take on the dark fantasy genre. Well, the music sounds more heroic than dark, that might make the whole feels less daunting...

Great job!


Flesh it out and make it a full game please. It'll be a day 1 buy for me. :D


This is awesome!!


This was a ton of fun, folks. I kept playing even after beating level 3. That was a hoot.


Lovely game! The game still froze for me on the ending while playing in browser, though ...


Nice game! Consider adding more content, or even releasing a full game!


This reminds me of Soda Dungeon combined with Diablo, very cool. Would love to see an expanded version!




This was such a fun playthrough :D cant believe you made it in such a short time, well done


it was an absolute delight. thanks for participating in the game jam and making it. thoroughly enjoyed it. 

I do see where you can make improvements and expand upon but it's made in just 72 hours and it's almost perfect in that context. 

Congrats guys, you have a potential gem in your hands (if you decide to make it into a proper commercial game and sell it)

Hrm. Thought I was getting the hang of the game, then a healer went into a vengeful rage, couldn't do any damage but couldn't die, and locked the game up indefinitely. That could really use a fix.

Seems to crash on firefox :(

no one said there was nude wth


this was so much fun, didn't expect to get hooked enough to finish the whole thing in one sitting. great work!


Fun concept, slows down once you get about 100 people in your village :)


very fun but ends pretty quickly


Make a big game out of this.

I absolutely love it.


Thank you to the developers for creating such an incredible experience. I'm truly grateful.


What a delightfully fun game! Saw the name, figured it was a Diablo 1 homage, and it was really more of a Darkest Dungeon auto-battler! Finished it in year 12, I had a S hero go in with 4 others and they all fled at the boss and she soloed the cacodemon! Hilarious!

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

Hell yeah!


really good, finished the game. would really love to have a little influence about how teams up with whom.
and maybe give the tavern a few upgrades to do something.

other than that, unbelievable what you archived in just 72 hours.

great accomplishment!

When I run game on Linux / FireFox I do not see mouse pointer when it hovers the game area. Is it a known bug?


u are very cool and very cool game very cool <3


no need to rub it in.

love it. like a fast-paced darkest dungeon. crazy polished for 72 hours.

in case anybody else needs to hear this track after this like me, I'll just leave this here


i got one character that was crazy , he is an archer , inventory uses ring of regeneration (also smth else i forgot) and never flee,its more op when he is solo because every turn he hits its dealing high damage, solo the boss with just few health left and won it , its been a few months ive been this excited from a game

(1 edit) (+2)

I recognize that loader. Was this made in Godot?? Holy crap

Edit: this is insanely ambitious for 72 hours. nice work!


So cool... I will wait for more updates

(1 edit) (+4)

If one day you want to deepen this game, I strongly recommend you to try "majesty - the fantasy kingdom sim" (1 or 2, which are quite differents) which give good idea about the economics on invest & return mechanics with heroes and monsters.

PS loved the sauna area and the fact that the mayor deckard cain could climb the stairs of the tavern

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