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(3 edits)

Is there a list of known bugs somewhere? Because like... I'm very charmed by this game, and I'd like to try to finish it, but I've had to start over a couple times now because it froze or crashed, both times pretty late in the game.

The first time, it froze right after I accepted Silvermane Trading as a patron, while playing it in the browser.

The second time, it crashed right after I accepted the Silvermane Trading parcel contract for the first time. I'd already done their letter contract a few times at that point, and I was playing the Windows desktop post-jam version.

I kind of still want to try to get to the end, but like.. It'd be nice to have a list of common causes of crashes so I know what actions to either avoid, or try to get out of the way early so if it is going to crash, it'll at least do it early in a playthrough.

EDIT: Ok, I've had the game crash out on me 5 times now.

I'm not sure it's worth trying again until the next build release, but I think I'm at least *starting* to notice a pattern; it only ever happens after I unlock Silvermane Trading as a client. It doesn't happen *every* time I unlock them or sign contracts with them, but every time it's happened, it's been a fraction of a second after I close the contract window; it lets me move for a couple frames, then I hear the squeaky pulley sound, and it freezes. And I *think* it might have to do with the parcel contract specifically.

EDIT 2: Ok, I tried a seventh time and I just decided to skip out on Silvermane Trading as a client entirely; this time I got a lot farther, but I'd accepted Queen Isadora as a patron, and I was gearing up to finally accept Queen Isadora's contract when it crashed AGAIN when I accepted a variety of contracts from other clients.

hi, I play this in the browser version I got a glitched I can't play because I just buy a bird, and it now suck in pause I don't know what to do

(2 edits)


is it just me? I got the bug that my bird just glitches while on a run and doesn't deliver the letter but also not coming back. I tried selling that bird to buy a new one, but this does not work. So I'm stuck with a bird that I can't use. it's been with all birds since I restarted and played a lot but still get the issue and I have no idea how to fix it. Even when I sleep the bird doesn't come back or when the delivery fails. 

{EDIT} The game freezes up for me every time around day 17 and 20. I don't know why. This sucks because I have to restart even when I'm on a great run. The furthest I have gotten is day 26 before it froze.

I love this game but this hinders me from continuing in the game since I can't get as many functioning birds and get fined for birds not finishing a task because they are frozen. Please tell me how to fix this because this game is so good!! it's one of my favorite games.


Wow! This game was so much fun! I would love to play an even longer version.

I did find a bug. It seems like upgrading the maximum stock charges me more than it should and puts me into debt. (e.g. I click the "Pay 500" button and it ends up deducting 1000 from my bank.


Perfect game! The amount of management and choices was pretty broad - which I love. I messed up some time later, because I didn't know contracts' time gets shorter even when you take them later.

I was looking for unique management games and this one became one of my favorite ! It's simple yet fascinating, I've been playing at my own pace for 2 hours now ! 

I'm on the browser version for now, and I just wanted to ask if it was normal that I can't move the birds ? I wanted to make some space for more nests, so I waited for the merchant to come and I clicked the "move for 50 currencies" button. But my cursor highlights the tiles on the wall and not the nests, and clicking on them does nothing. Do I have to wait for the birds to be in them first or is this a bug ?

Yeah, you cant move the nests until the bird returns


love it!

how do you load the saved game instead of starting all again?

Sadly there is no save currently. See:

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